Korea Startup Podcast podkast

#19: How to Create a Diverse, Inclusive, and Efficient Startup Team: Insights from Seoul Robotics People Team

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Today we are joined by Seoul Robotics People Team, who will share their insights and experiences managing a team of 71 employees from 14 different countries.

As one of South Korea's most prominent startups, they'll discuss the tactics, dynamics, and resources they've utilized to create a thriving and inclusive workplace culture.

Diversity and inclusion

  • Why is it crucial to create a diverse and inclusive team (Gender, nationalities, skills…)
  • How Seoul Robotics fostered diversity inside the team
  • Best practices to encourage collaboration and teamwork across departments and teams
  • Why is English so important in the team

Company Culture

  • How Seoul Robotics cultivates a positive company culture
  • Programs and initiatives that foster a sense of community and belonging among employees
  • How Seoul Robotics measures employee satisfaction and addresses areas of disengagement
  • Tactics to encourage open and honest feedback within the company


  • How to effectively apply to Seoul Robotics
  • How Seoul Robotics attracts top talent and effective methods for reaching potential candidates
  • How Seoul Robotics evaluates whether a candidate is a good fit for the company culture and values
  • Best strategies used to retain employees and make them feel valued and appreciated

People team:

Cindy Park, Director of People at Seoul Robotics

Amy Lee, People Manager at Seoul Robotics

Tony Martinez, Global Tech Recruiting Manager

Jack Jang, Community Manager

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