Joy Joya Jewelry Marketing Podcast podkast

308 - How to Use Jewelry Marketing to Tap into a $70 Billion Market

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Episode #308 - "How to Use Jewelry Marketing to Tap into a $70 Billion Market"

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Welcome to Episode #308. I want to talk about something worth a whopping $70 billion—and that's just in the US alone. Did that catch your interest? Can you guess what I’m referring to? Yes, it’s the wedding industry, and today, I'll explore how you can dive into it.

In the vast world of jewelry, clear lines are drawn: there are those who specialize in wedding jewelry and those who don’t. It’s rare for a brand to excel in both areas. However, just because you’re not primarily a wedding jewelry brand doesn’t mean you should overlook this lucrative market. So, how can you, as a non-wedding jewelry brand, tap into this sector? 

This episode is all about uncovering those opportunities, even if engagement rings and wedding bands are just a small part of your assortment - or not at all what you sell.

And in our GOLD MINE segment, I'm diving deep into the often overlooked aspect of effective marketing—not always about increasing spend for greater returns but finding ways to cut costs and capitalize on cost-saving opportunities. This approach is crucial in today's uncertain economic climate. Stay with me until the end for key strategies that could significantly enhance your business approach by making it more financially sustainable. 


00:00 Start
4:09 Primary Episode Content
16:38 The Gold Mine


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