Islamic History podkast

S1- Chronology E10-1031-1086A.D|Rise of Turks|Murabitun Revolution (West Africa)|Battle of Manzikert

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
1031A.D.-Al Qaim becomes the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad.1032A.D.-The Church of Constantinople breaks with the Church of Rome over the issue of icons in the Church.1036A.D.-Taghril Beg becomes Seljuk Sultan.Al Mustansir becomes the Fatimid Caliph.1037A.D.-Death of Abu Ali ibn Sina, one of the greatest of physicians.Ferdinand I, king of Castille, captures Leon.1038A.D.-Death of Al Hazen, noted physicist.1043A.D-The Fatimid Empire begins to crumble. Mecca, Madina, Yemen and North Africa are lost by the Fatimids.1048A.D-Death of al Bairuni, historian, author of Kitab ul Hind.1050A.D-The Christians advance in Sicily.1051A.D-Beginning of the Murabitun revolution in West Africa.1056A.D-The Seljuk Taghril Beg and the Buyid Basisiri contest the control of Baghdad.1058A.D-Taghril Beg is anointed by Abbasid Caliph Kaim as “sultan of the east and the west” for his role in protecting the Abbasid Caliphate.1060A.D-The Seljuk Turks advance into Persia, Azerbaijan and Armenia.The Crusaders raid the coast of North Africa.1061A.D-The Murabitun capture Morocco.The Murabitun establish the city of Marrakesh as their capital.1063A.D-Taghril Beg dies childless. His nephew Alap Arsalan becomes the Seljuk sultan.1068Beginning of the Songhay Empire in West Africa.1072A.D-Battle of Manzikert. The Seljuk Turks under Alap Arsalan defeat the Byzantines under Emperor Romanus and open up Anatolia for Turkish settlement.The Christians capture Palermo in Sicily.1075A.D-The Seljuk Sultan Malik Shah retakes Syria from the Fatimids.Al Muqtadi becomes the Abbasid Caliph.1077A.D-Birth of Abdul Qader Jeelani, celebrated Sufi sage.1085A.D-Alfonso I of Castile captures Toledo, the ancient capital of Visigoth Spain. The extensive libraries of Toledo become accessible to Christian Europe.1086A.D-The Murabitun emir, Yusuf bin Tashfin, advances into Spain at the head of a powerful African force.The Nizamiya College is founded in Baghdad by Nizam ul Mulk, grand vizier to Sultan Malik Shah.

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