IRL: Online Life is Real Life podkast

Mozilla’s IRL podcast is a Shorty Awards finalist - we need your help to win!

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

We’re excited to share that Mozilla's IRL podcast is a Shorty Awards finalist in the Science and Technology Podcast category! If you enjoy IRL you can show your support by voting for us.

The Shorty Awards recognizes great content by brands, agencies and nonprofits. It’s really an honor to be able to feature the voices and stories of the folks who are putting people over profit in AI. A Shorty Award will help bring these stories to even more listeners. 

How to vote

1. Go to

2. Click 'Vote in Science and Technology Podcast'

3. create a username and password (it's easy, we promise!)

4. Come back and vote every day until April 30th

We believe putting people over profit is award-worthy. Don’t you?  Thanks for your support!

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