Hypixel Skyblock with Tanker Man 3000 podkast

How to Get Dyed Armor in Hypixel Skyblock in 2022!!

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this video I show you all How to Get Dyed Armor in Hypixel Skyblock in 2022. This guide also features a part on How to Dye Armor in Hypixel Skyblock 2022. Unfortunately all of the best ways are patched, but there is still an official way using Anvils and the NEW DYES!! I highly recommend dying your armor, as it just makes it a lot better in my opinion! All of these methods are working, updated, and not patched, and are working as of March 2022! They even still work after the 2022 update!

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