Hold Me Back: Son and Father Change the Conversation podkast

Boomer Training: A Gen Z Lesson in Social Media Lingo

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

A growing part of the generational divide is an emerging and unexpected language barrier. This phenomenon is a byproduct of the explosion in social media platforms, which seem to have created a new Gen Z dialect - particularly on TikTok. To help bridge this gap, Aidan recruited his sister Allison to take Ash through basic training on social media terminology in hopes he wouldn’t embarrass himself at work and with friends. The jury is still out, so Aidan and Ally want complete deniability. You be the judge! This one will make you laugh out loud…and cringe! Who was more convincing: Ally or Ash? Vote at HoldMeBack.com

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