Health, Happiness & Human Kind podkast

HHHK 506: Iron Levels, Heavy Periods & Why the Mirena Isn't the Answer with Steph Lowe

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In today’s episode we turn the tables and Elly interviews me on one of my favourite topics – low iron, heavy periods and why the Mirena (or Kyleena, for that matter) isn’t the answer. Our hope is that you learn many of the natural strategies that we use to both resolve heavy menstrual bleeding and the associated low iron levels, and that you leave feeling empowered, knowing that there is a holistic way to manage your symptoms, regain your quality of life, and avoid Maltofer, Ferro-grad C, iron infusions and birth control, none of which address the root cause.


Head to for show notes, episode transcripts and more.


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