GUR Cafe podkast

Going Beyond the UR Report

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Delivering insights or research reports is a key function of our roles as Games User Researchers. Unfortunately, it is far too easy to get stuck in a loop of presenting a piece of research then fading into the background until the next research request comes around. But is the research deliverable itself the only and best way for us to show our value?

Join Lanie and Steve Bromley in this episode as they discuss how we as researchers can and should find opportunities to provide greater impact and bring influence beyond the report at the end of a test. They discuss how they've seen success in approaching their role with the mindset that we can in fact be design tools. They'll share how they have been able to successfully leverage the entire timeline leading up to a test, during, and following the research deliverable to identify numerous opportunities to provide insights, increase influence, and deliver impactful deliverables alongside their stakeholders.

Steve Bromley teaches people about user research for video games, and provides user research consultancy for games studios. Prior to this he was a senior user researcher for PlayStation, and started the IGDA games user research mentoring scheme. He recently released the book How To Be A Games User Researcher, and shares free regular games user research lessons at

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