Game-Changing Retail Leaders, presented by SAP podkast

Encore: Fashion Disruption: Goliaths Fall

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
The buzz: “Fashion has stumbled along for years without a particularly influential infusion of new ideas. But all of that is changing, and it is happening quickly (Nadya Khoja The barriers to entry for new fashion houses continue to drop. Digitally native fashion companies arrive with little to no legacy process or technology issues, able to scale fast to beat the big companies. But regardless of size, they all have to get it right the first time or risk game-ending losses and near-instant irrelevance. Everyone is getting disrupted. The disruptors, and those who ride the wave, will be the long-term winners. The experts speak. Noah Gellman, The Lead: “In this great future we cannot forget our past” (Bob Marley). Oliver Stocks, SAP: “Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise” (Sigmund Freud). Rick Barber, SAP: “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” (Thomas Edison). Join us for Fashion Disruption: Goliath’s Fall.

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