Frisky Friday | Sexy Stories to Heat Up Your Nights podkast

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Wild

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Imagine now your timeless favorite dessert. It could be the sugary and sweet skin of your partner or the mocha and chocolaty aroma you can smell all around her sexy body. In this episode, drool over our characters as they sugar rush in their own fantasies and desires. Savor the taste and the feeling while you dive and scoop deeper in your finger licking imagination.

Visit Adam and Eve’s online shop to taste and feel your very own sexy sugar rush. They have all of the sugar, spice, and everything wild that you exactly need to feed your sexy fantasies! Just enter the promo code Friday10 at the checkout and you’ll receive 50 percent off on almost any single item. You’ll also receive some sexy freebies and a free shipping for your order.

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