Food Biz Wiz podkast

247. The Story Behind Alli’s Buyer Perspective

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Even though Alli hosts guests on the Food Biz Wiz podcast frequently, she is rarely the one being interviewed. This episode, we turn the tables on Alli and ask her to share the story behind how she got her buyer perspective. You’ll hear about…

  • The challenges Alli navigated going from a consumer to a buyer in the thick of retail
  • What the difference is between markup and margin and how easy they are to mix up!
  • And why you need to save some bandwidth for after you get on the shelf!

As always, we want to connect further with you: which tidbit from this episode impacted you the most? Let us know via our Instagram or LinkedIn DMs, which are both linked in our full show notes here!

This episode is sponsored by our mini Reorder Checklist! This checklist can help you be more likely to sell off those shelves and receive reorders. You can find our simplified version at the link here OR, if you’re a Retail Ready® student, you can find the longform version and training directly within our course platform!

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