Whispers of Love and Friendship at Zagreb's Holiday Market
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Whispers of Love and Friendship at Zagreb's Holiday Market
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Bile su to najšarenije i najbajkovitije večeri u Zagrebu.
En: They were the most colorful and enchanting evenings in Zagreb.
Hr: Božićni sajam na Trgu bana Jelačića oduševljavao je posjetitelje.
En: The Christmas market at Trg bana Jelačića amazed visitors.
Hr: Svjetla su treperila u ritmu božićnih pjesama, a miris kuhanog vina i pečenih kestena grijao srca prolaznika.
En: Lights flickered to the rhythm of Christmas songs, and the scent of mulled wine and roasted chestnuts warmed the hearts of passersby.
Hr: Nikola, Luka i Ivana prolazili su među šarenim štandovima.
En: Nikola, Luka, and Ivana strolled among the colorful stalls.
Hr: Bili su prijatelji od djetinjstva, ali život ih je odveo svojim putovima.
En: They had been friends since childhood, but life had taken them on different paths.
Hr: Sada su se konačno ponovno okupili za blagdane.
En: Now they finally reunited for the holidays.
Hr: Nikola je nedavno stigao iz inozemstva.
En: Nikola had recently arrived from abroad.
Hr: Gledao je Ivanu s tajnom u srcu.
En: He looked at Ivana with a secret in his heart.
Hr: Volio ju je još od osnovne škole, ali nikada nije pronašao hrabrost to priznati.
En: He had loved her since elementary school, but he had never found the courage to confess it.
Hr: Luka je bio vesela duša grupe, uvijek spreman za šalu.
En: Luka was the cheerful soul of the group, always ready for a joke.
Hr: On je također pokazao zanimanje za Ivanu, ali nije znao za Nikolinu tišinu.
En: He also showed interest in Ivana, but he was unaware of Nikola's silence.
Hr: Luka je mislio da Nikola nema više osjećaja prema njoj.
En: Luka thought Nikola no longer had feelings for her.
Hr: Ivana, s osmijehom na licu, uživala je u ponovnom zajedničkom druženju.
En: Ivana, with a smile on her face, enjoyed the reunion.
Hr: Osjećala je napetost između dvojice prijatelja, ali nije znala razlog.
En: She sensed the tension between the two friends but didn't know the reason.
Hr: Željela je da sve ostane bezbrižno i veselo.
En: She wanted everything to remain carefree and joyful.
Hr: Dok su hodali, Luka je predložio Ivani da idu na klizanje.
En: As they walked, Luka suggested to Ivana that they go ice skating.
Hr: Ivana je s veseljem pristala.
En: Ivana agreed with delight.
Hr: Nikola, osjećajući kako trenutak curi kroz prste, shvatio je da mora razgovarati s njom.
En: Nikola, feeling the moment slipping through his fingers, realized he needed to talk to her.
Hr: "Samo kratko, Ivana," rekao je Nikola dok su koračali prema klizalištu, "moram razgovarati s tobom nasamo."
En: "Just a moment, Ivana," Nikola said as they walked towards the ice rink, "I need to talk to you alone."
Hr: Ivana je iznenađeno zastala, a Luka je podigao obrve.
En: Ivana stopped in surprise, and Luka raised his eyebrows.
Hr: Trg je bio prepun ljudi, ali njima je prostor nestajao.
En: The square was crowded with people, yet the space seemed to vanish for them.
Hr: Svjetla su sjajila iznad njih, a mirisi blagdana činili su situaciju još intimnijom.
En: Lights shone above them, and the holiday scents made the situation even more intimate.
Hr: Nikola je duboko udahnuo.
En: Nikola took a deep breath.
Hr: "Ivana, volim te. Dugo već. Nisam mogao otići bez da ti kažem."
En: "Ivana, I love you. For a long time now. I couldn't leave without telling you."
Hr: Luka je stajao sa strane, šokiran.
En: Luka stood on the side, shocked.
Hr: "Nikola, nisam znao..."
En: "Nikola, I didn't know..."
Hr: Ivana ih je pogledala, oči su joj bile pune emocija.
En: Ivana looked at them, her eyes filled with emotion.
Hr: "Treba mi vremena. Želim ostati s vama večeras i uživati kao prijatelji. Možemo li to?"
En: "I need time. I want to stay with you tonight and enjoy it as friends. Can we do that?"
Hr: Oba prijatelja su kimnula.
En: Both friends nodded.
Hr: Noć je nastavila prolaziti uz smijeh, pjesmu i blještavilo.
En: The night continued with laughter, song, and glimmer.
Hr: Nikola je naučio da iskrenost zahtijeva strpljenje.
En: Nikola learned that honesty requires patience.
Hr: Luka je shvatio složenost prijateljstva.
En: Luka realized the complexity of friendship.
Hr: A Ivana je shvatila da mora najprije poslušati svoje srce.
En: And Ivana understood she must first listen to her heart.
Hr: Kad su se svjetla ugasila, a božićna tržnica polako zatvarala svoja vrata, troje prijatelja hodalo je kući, ruku pod ruku, znajući da će ih prijateljstvo uvijek spajati.
En: When the lights went out, and the Christmas market slowly closed its doors, the three friends walked home, hand in hand, knowing that friendship would always unite them.
Vocabulary Words:
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Hr: Bile su to najšarenije i najbajkovitije večeri u Zagrebu.
En: They were the most colorful and enchanting evenings in Zagreb.
Hr: Božićni sajam na Trgu bana Jelačića oduševljavao je posjetitelje.
En: The Christmas market at Trg bana Jelačića amazed visitors.
Hr: Svjetla su treperila u ritmu božićnih pjesama, a miris kuhanog vina i pečenih kestena grijao srca prolaznika.
En: Lights flickered to the rhythm of Christmas songs, and the scent of mulled wine and roasted chestnuts warmed the hearts of passersby.
Hr: Nikola, Luka i Ivana prolazili su među šarenim štandovima.
En: Nikola, Luka, and Ivana strolled among the colorful stalls.
Hr: Bili su prijatelji od djetinjstva, ali život ih je odveo svojim putovima.
En: They had been friends since childhood, but life had taken them on different paths.
Hr: Sada su se konačno ponovno okupili za blagdane.
En: Now they finally reunited for the holidays.
Hr: Nikola je nedavno stigao iz inozemstva.
En: Nikola had recently arrived from abroad.
Hr: Gledao je Ivanu s tajnom u srcu.
En: He looked at Ivana with a secret in his heart.
Hr: Volio ju je još od osnovne škole, ali nikada nije pronašao hrabrost to priznati.
En: He had loved her since elementary school, but he had never found the courage to confess it.
Hr: Luka je bio vesela duša grupe, uvijek spreman za šalu.
En: Luka was the cheerful soul of the group, always ready for a joke.
Hr: On je također pokazao zanimanje za Ivanu, ali nije znao za Nikolinu tišinu.
En: He also showed interest in Ivana, but he was unaware of Nikola's silence.
Hr: Luka je mislio da Nikola nema više osjećaja prema njoj.
En: Luka thought Nikola no longer had feelings for her.
Hr: Ivana, s osmijehom na licu, uživala je u ponovnom zajedničkom druženju.
En: Ivana, with a smile on her face, enjoyed the reunion.
Hr: Osjećala je napetost između dvojice prijatelja, ali nije znala razlog.
En: She sensed the tension between the two friends but didn't know the reason.
Hr: Željela je da sve ostane bezbrižno i veselo.
En: She wanted everything to remain carefree and joyful.
Hr: Dok su hodali, Luka je predložio Ivani da idu na klizanje.
En: As they walked, Luka suggested to Ivana that they go ice skating.
Hr: Ivana je s veseljem pristala.
En: Ivana agreed with delight.
Hr: Nikola, osjećajući kako trenutak curi kroz prste, shvatio je da mora razgovarati s njom.
En: Nikola, feeling the moment slipping through his fingers, realized he needed to talk to her.
Hr: "Samo kratko, Ivana," rekao je Nikola dok su koračali prema klizalištu, "moram razgovarati s tobom nasamo."
En: "Just a moment, Ivana," Nikola said as they walked towards the ice rink, "I need to talk to you alone."
Hr: Ivana je iznenađeno zastala, a Luka je podigao obrve.
En: Ivana stopped in surprise, and Luka raised his eyebrows.
Hr: Trg je bio prepun ljudi, ali njima je prostor nestajao.
En: The square was crowded with people, yet the space seemed to vanish for them.
Hr: Svjetla su sjajila iznad njih, a mirisi blagdana činili su situaciju još intimnijom.
En: Lights shone above them, and the holiday scents made the situation even more intimate.
Hr: Nikola je duboko udahnuo.
En: Nikola took a deep breath.
Hr: "Ivana, volim te. Dugo već. Nisam mogao otići bez da ti kažem."
En: "Ivana, I love you. For a long time now. I couldn't leave without telling you."
Hr: Luka je stajao sa strane, šokiran.
En: Luka stood on the side, shocked.
Hr: "Nikola, nisam znao..."
En: "Nikola, I didn't know..."
Hr: Ivana ih je pogledala, oči su joj bile pune emocija.
En: Ivana looked at them, her eyes filled with emotion.
Hr: "Treba mi vremena. Želim ostati s vama večeras i uživati kao prijatelji. Možemo li to?"
En: "I need time. I want to stay with you tonight and enjoy it as friends. Can we do that?"
Hr: Oba prijatelja su kimnula.
En: Both friends nodded.
Hr: Noć je nastavila prolaziti uz smijeh, pjesmu i blještavilo.
En: The night continued with laughter, song, and glimmer.
Hr: Nikola je naučio da iskrenost zahtijeva strpljenje.
En: Nikola learned that honesty requires patience.
Hr: Luka je shvatio složenost prijateljstva.
En: Luka realized the complexity of friendship.
Hr: A Ivana je shvatila da mora najprije poslušati svoje srce.
En: And Ivana understood she must first listen to her heart.
Hr: Kad su se svjetla ugasila, a božićna tržnica polako zatvarala svoja vrata, troje prijatelja hodalo je kući, ruku pod ruku, znajući da će ih prijateljstvo uvijek spajati.
En: When the lights went out, and the Christmas market slowly closed its doors, the three friends walked home, hand in hand, knowing that friendship would always unite them.
Vocabulary Words:
- colorful: najšarenije
- enchanting: najbajkovitije
- flickered: treperila
- scent: miris
- strolled: prolazili
- reunited: ponovno okupili
- abroad: inozemstva
- secret: tajnom
- courage: hrabrost
- cheerful: vesela
- soul: duša
- confess: priznati
- strained: napetost
- carefree: bezbrižno
- ice skating: klizanje
- delight: veseljem
- moment: trenutak
- surprise: iznenađeno
- crowded: prepun
- realized: shvatio
- intimate: intimnijom
- emotion: emocija
- honesty: iskrenost
- patience: strpljenje
- complexity: složenost
- vanish: nestajao
- glimmer: blještavilo
- friendship: prijateljstvo
- unite: spajati
- heart: srce
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