FluentFiction - Croatian podkast

A Snowy Easter: Reuniting Hearts at Plitvička Lakes

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: A Snowy Easter: Reuniting Hearts at Plitvička Lakes
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Plitvička jezera zablistala su pod laganom prašinom krajem zime.
En: Plitvička jezera sparkled under a light dusting at the end of winter.

Hr: Jezera su odražavala žive tirkizne nijanse, dok su staze vijugale oko kaskada i netaknutih šuma.
En: The lakes reflected vibrant turquoise shades, while paths meandered around cascades and pristine forests.

Hr: Dario, najstariji od troje braće i sestara, stajao je na stazi, gledajući u daljinu.
En: Dario, the oldest of three siblings, stood on the path, gazing into the distance.

Hr: U srcu je osjećao nostalgiju i malo zabrinutosti.
En: In his heart, he felt nostalgia and a bit of concern.

Hr: Želio je popraviti emocionalnu udaljenost koja se stvorila između njega, Ane i Luke.
En: He wanted to mend the emotional distance that had formed between him, Ana, and Luka.

Hr: Ana je stajala pored njega, gledajući preko jezera.
En: Ana stood beside him, looking over the lake.

Hr: Ona je bila prava avanturistica, uvijek spremna za sljedeću obiteljsku avanturu.
En: She was a true adventurer, always ready for the next family adventure.

Hr: Luka, najmlađi, sjedio je na stijeni, zamišljen o svom poslu i karijeri.
En: Luka, the youngest, sat on a rock, pondering his work and career.

Hr: Njegova povučenost ponekad je stvarala nesporazume.
En: His reserved nature sometimes caused misunderstandings.

Hr: Blagdani su se približavali, a pripreme za Uskrs bile su u tijeku.
En: The holidays were approaching, and preparations for Easter were underway.

Hr: Dario je došao na ideju da organizira potragu za uskršnjim jajima, nadajući se da će to donijeti radost i ponovno povezati obitelj.
En: Dario came up with the idea to organize an Easter egg hunt, hoping it would bring joy and reconnect the family.

Hr: Pripremio je teren sa skrivenim jajima, sjećajući se kako su kao djeca uživali u sličnim igrama.
En: He prepared the area with hidden eggs, remembering how, as children, they enjoyed similar games.

Hr: Sredinom dana, kada je potraga bila u punom zamahu, iznenada je počeo padati snijeg.
En: By midday, when the hunt was in full swing, snow suddenly began to fall.

Hr: Pahulje su padale sve brže, a hladni vjetar zapuhao je kroz drveće.
En: The flakes fell faster, and a cold wind blew through the trees.

Hr: Brzo su se našli uz smrznuti slap, zaklonjeni u maloj udubini, zagrljeni da se ugriju.
En: They quickly found themselves by a frozen waterfall, sheltered in a small alcove, huddled together for warmth.

Hr: Dok su čekali da snježna oluja prođe, Dario je otvorio svoje srce braći i sestri.
En: While waiting for the snowstorm to pass, Dario opened his heart to his brother and sister.

Hr: Rekao im je koliko mu je bilo stalo do obiteljske topline koju su prije dijelili.
En: He told them how much he missed the family warmth they once shared.

Hr: Ana i Luka su ga poslušali, a i sami su se otvorili.
En: Ana and Luka listened to him, and they opened up too.

Hr: Razgovarali su i smijali se, zaboravljajući na stare nesporazume i rivalstva.
En: They talked and laughed, forgetting old misunderstandings and rivalries.

Hr: Kada se vrijeme smirilo, i velik dio snijega otopio, okrenuli su se jedan prema drugom s novim razumijevanjem i zahvalnošću.
En: When the weather calmed and much of the snow had melted, they turned to each other with new understanding and gratitude.

Hr: Dogovorili su se da se više ne udaljavaju i da će redovito održavati kontakte, bez obzira na probleme i razlike.
En: They agreed not to grow distant and to keep in regular contact, regardless of problems and differences.

Hr: Dario je shvatio da je, pokazujući svoju ranjivost, ojačao svoju vezu s Anom i Lukom.
En: Dario realized that by showing his vulnerability, he strengthened his bond with Ana and Luka.

Hr: Snijeg je možda privremeno prekinuo potragu, ali pronašli su nešto mnogo vrednije – jedni druge.
En: The snow might have temporarily halted the hunt, but they found something much more valuable—each other.

Hr: Napustili su park s obećanjem na usnama: "Uvijek ćemo biti tu jedni za druge.
En: They left the park with a promise on their lips: "We will always be there for each other."

Vocabulary Words:
  • sparkled: zablistala
  • dusting: prašinom
  • meandered: vijugale
  • cascades: kaskada
  • pristine: netaknutih
  • nostalgia: nostalgiju
  • mend: popraviti
  • adventurer: avanturistica
  • pondering: zamišljen
  • reserved: povučenost
  • misunderstandings: nesporazume
  • approaching: približavali
  • preparations: pripreme
  • hunt: potragu
  • hidden: skrivenim
  • midday: sredinom dana
  • swing: zamahu
  • sheltered: zaklonjeni
  • alcove: udubini
  • huddled: zagrljeni
  • halted: prekinuo
  • valuable: vrednije
  • gratitude: zahvalnošću
  • vulnerability: ranjivost
  • bond: vezu
  • flake: pahulje
  • distance: udaljenost
  • calmed: smirilo
  • melted: otopio
  • drift: zapuhao

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