Film Roundtable podkast

Director + Writer Savanah Leaf + Cinematographer Jody Lee Lipes, moderated by Erin Wile

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Film Roundtable is very excited to welcome, for the first time, Director + Writer Savanah Leaf along with one of our most favorite guests (and recent Emmy nominee for Dead Ringers!!) Cinematographer Jody Lee Lipes, ASC.

In this episode we get to talk in depth about their latest partnership on the newly released film, Earth Mama. We hear about how they originally connected and what continuously inspires them to keep working together. They share their experience collaborating on this incredibly touching and unique film (a MUST see!!!). And they set a wonderful example of what a truly creative alliance is for a director and a DP.

The film was shot in the Bay Area, Savanah's hometown, with mostly non-actors and the idea for this feature length film was birthed from a short documentary Savanah wrote and directed. Earth Mama premiered at Sundance earlier this year and then at MOMA's New Director's Series in NYC. It opens in theaters in LA + NY Friday, July 14th.


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