Falconry Told Podcast podkast

Episode 38: Bill Davis Tribute

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

How do you pay your respects to someone who drastically impacted the course of your life? Inspiring you to pursue your own journey of discovery, along the same lines of passion this person set? We’re not sure, but in this episode, Israel Matson pays his respects to William “Bill” Davis, the first falconer he watched practice the art, and a true giant of a human. So we look at a short glimpse into the man who Bill was, as well as at his favorite form of falconry, pursuing squirrels with Red-Tailed Hawks.

Because Israel’s story regarding Bill has to do with the impact he made on him as a pre-apprentice, this podcast is also dedicated to the would-be, curious, interested pre-apprentice falconers out there. The ones interested in the sport, but looking for a better understanding of the process to becoming a licensed, practicing falconer.

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