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The Teal Mask DLC, Pt. I: First Signpost, Second Signpost, Dreaded Den, The Mask Festival, Third Signpost (#208)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Hola—or rather, konnichiwa! Don Joey & Esteban Humano are taking the next semester (aka two episodes) to complete a study abroad program over on Kitakami. As soon as they make landfall, they meet their home stay frenemy Carmine, and boyfriend, Kieran, and learn a bit about this land's strange ways. Or at least, the denizens of Mossui Town think these two are the strange, inept city slickers from Paldea, and boy are they wrong. We mop the floor with pretty much everyone here on the quest to *Brooke Valentine voice* hunt a guy.

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