The Emotional Alchemy Podcast podkast

142. The Loss of Connection in the Pursuit of Automation, Scale and Reach.

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Have we become captives to the siren song of automation and scaling in our businesses, sacrificing the very connections that make our work meaningful? In this solo episode, I will share my thoughts about what happens when we venture beyond the seductive allure of membership counts and follower metrics to a place where success is measured by the depth of client connections. In a world enamored with 'DM me' bots and impersonal marketing funnels, we propose a radical return to personal, authentic engagement. I’ll also peel back the curtain on my own discomfort with marketing practices that can feel manipulative, and how I navigate the delicate balance of maintaining a personal touch in my business communications.

Listen closely as we further consider the impact of presence and authenticity in social media. Together, we will dissect the struggles of scaling without losing the essence of human connection, and the invaluable role of personal connection in both learning environments and online spaces. Embrace this conversation as an invitation to redefine the intersection of technology and humanity in our entrepreneurial ventures, ensuring that at the heart of it all, we stay authentically connected.

Kat HoSoo Lee is an Emotional Alchemy Coach, Spiritual Business Mentor and host of The Emotional Alchemy Podcast.

She loves playing in the space where science and spirituality converge because this is where we get to experience emotional alchemy. In her work, she educates space-holders about somatic physiology and environmental biology so they can deepen their practices of listening and presence which ultimately helps them expand their capacity to hold space for others.

As a Spiritual Business Mentor, she guides soulful entrepreneurs to approach their business as a spiritual practice. The work bridges the emotional landscape with practical tools which allow them to cultivate businesses that are rooted in conscious values, relational marketing and purposeful service.

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