Ear and Loathing podkast

Episode 79: Queen, Don McLean, Aretha Franklin

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this episode of Ear and Loathing, your hosts Aaron, Damon and George (The Gitmo Bros) talk about Kelly Kelly in the booby hatch, Aawon Bwitt of Gwease fame, someone put a wallet in her mouth, and I now pronounce you man and Stamp Act.

In the Torture Chamber segment, George and Aaron compete for meaningless points by making Damon listen to his most hated music. Will Damon survive the Torture Chamber long enough to play one of his favorite songs? Tune in and find out!

Songs featured in this episode: "Ladies Only" (Aretha Franklin), "I Want to Break Free" (Queen), "Addicted to Black" (Don McLean)

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