Diffusion podkast

(S.4 Ep.7) Refugees and Migration

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Displacement has become a common feature of life in East Africa over the past decade, leading to a wide range of creative solutions, according to Caroline Njuki, senior program coordinator at the Intergovernmental Authority on Development’s regional secretariat on forced displacement and mixed migration. Njuki discusses the socioeconomic integration of displaced populations in this seventh episode of the Peacebuilders podcast series.

Posting weekly on Tuesday mornings, Peacebuilders features nine episodes from East Africa on everything from the future of the African Union to immigration to media and elections in Kenya. The interviewers are Aaron Stanley, a program assistant with Carnegie Corporation of New York’s international security program, and Scott Malcomson, an author, journalist, and former government official and NGO executive. Malcomson was a Carnegie Corporation media fellow in 2015-18, and is currently a fellow in international security at the New American Foundation and director of special projects at Strategic Insight Group.

Podcast Transcript

(Photo credit: Robert Oxley/ DFID)

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