Dharma Seed: dharma talks and meditation instruction podkast

Akincano Marc Weber: Metaphors of realisation: Sudden and Gradual

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
(Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center) How do we make ourselves growth and realisation? Tracing the historical, psychological and Two sources of valid forms of knowlege: – Paccakkha "before the eye," i.e. 'perceptible to the senses' 'direct experience'. – Anvaya – 'inference' History of Sudden & Gradual. Aside of the the historical background, these terms have taken on a metaphorical meaning: the talk looks at how these metaphors chart the path of practice, their respective analogies and their images, their framing of the probleme and their respective values and drawbacks. – May these metaphors ultimately have their bases in the differeing mind functions of samādhi (gradual) and sati (sudden)? The speaker, despite little canonical evidence, thinks so.

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