Denoise - A Podcast about Blender podkast

Blender vs. the VFX Industry ft. FlippedNormals

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Blender’s recent surge in popularity has not shown any signs of slowing. As artists pick it up for the first time and discover how powerful it is, they often wonder whether it's capable of being used to create their favorite movies, games, and shows.

In this episode, Kent Trammell and Jason van Gumster, two of our Blender experts here at CG Cookie, sit down with the visual effects pros Henning Sanden and Morton Jaeger of FlippedNormals to talk about Blender’s place in their industry.

You can read more about this episode on our blog.

Denoise is a podcast about Blender, from the folks at CG Cookie. If you're interested in leveling up your skills in Blender and supporting what we do, check out our extensive library of courses on and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

You can follow Morton and Henning's work at or their YouTube channel.

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