Dawson's Critique: A Dawson's Creek Podcast podkast

Dawson's Critique Interviews Dawson's Darlings

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
We're back with our summer interview series and this time we're talking to Dawson's Darlings! Kim and Zazz are hilarious and best friends and you can feel the warmth they have with each other. It was just delightful to talk with them. Join us for this deep dive into the 90s teen drama Dawson's Creek! Thank you so much to Killya for our amazing theme song. Find them on Instagram @gofreakingcrazy Thank you to @camadeclub for our social media awesomeness. Thank you also to Andrew Bush, who helped guide us on how to do this from our houses. Find Erin on Instagram at @erin.hensley Find Julia on Twitter and Instagram @Pesty1079

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