Creating Disney Magic podkast

Let People Solve Their Problems

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

"Organizations have to get to the point where everybody in the organization feels comfortable speaking up. Those people know things you don't know as the leader and as the manager."


01:03 Open dialogue to enhance organizational culture

04:56 Get culture right to boost business success

08:55 Weekly meetings reveal issues otherwise unknown

10:55 Trust and collaboration improve organizational culture significantly

16:19 Wrong path often results from poor behavior

19:58 Simplify and ease customer experience to improve

21:49 Problems and solutions both come from people

24:19 Event details at

As nice as it would be, you can't solve big problems in 15 minutes. When I was leading operations at Disney, I learned the value of giving problems the time they deserve. When I read Peter Drucker's "The Effective Executive," it struck me how often we try to patch things up with quick meetings and band-aid solutions. Whenever we would do that we'd get the same result. Guess what it was? A year later, the same issues still linger.

So, we changed the game. Read this blog about the adjustmentswe made that made our people feel more committed and involved.


The Cockerell Academy

About Lee Cockerell

Mainstreet Leader

Jody Maberry

Travel Guidance

Magical Vacation Planners are my preferred travel advisors. Reach out to have them help plan your next vacation. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.



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