Challenger Insights podkast

Challenger Insights - Episode 14: Azzapp's Vel'Koz

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Azzapp is a Challenger Vel'Koz OTP, and he has been in the top 200 since season 3. He's reached triple Challenger in Europe West, Nordic East and NA, and he's reached rank 19 on the Europe West leaderboard.

In this episode, we discuss the best ways to combo spells on Vel'Koz, how to guarantee kills at level 6, where to position during teamfights, and so much more.

I'm also hosting a Q&A with Azzapp on the Challenger Insights Discord. Join us tomorrow, November 12th, at 1:00 PM Central Time / 7:00 PM UK Time, and ask Azzapp any questions you might have!

You can also find transcripts for every episode, and you'll be notified when new episodes come out.

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And if you enjoyed this episode, consider sending it to someone who you think would be interested in it as well.

Thank you for listening!

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