Bunny in the Garden with... podkast

49: Caryn Hibbert

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Today Bunny is in the garden with of Caryn Hibbert, founder and director of Thyme and the Bertiolli  Brand. 

Caryn started life as a medic, an obstetrician and gynaecologist  whilst having  and bringing up 3 children.  Then in the early 2000 Caryn changed tack and started developing her own business.  

Hear about the problems of combining medicine and a family, her brilliant father’s invention and her amazing water meadows with their extraordinary bird and wild flower populations plus golden moles!   

See Caryn’s Garden in Bunny’s  accompanying YouTube video ‘Caryn Hibbert in her Gloucestershire Garden’ 

#takethyme #cotswolds 

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