Build Your Copywriting Business podkast

Laser Coaching: How to (Respectfully) Disagree with a Copywriting Client

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

As writers our clients hire us to … well … write!

So, what happens when you know your client wants to take the copy in the wrong direction? Do you speak up? Or do you just roll with what they want?

As you’ll hear in this laser coaching session, there are a few ways to tactfully and professionally disagree with your client in a way that further positions you as a valuable copywriting partner.

Ultimately, is it their decision? Yes.

But that doesn’t mean you have to sit back and watch as (more!) bad copy gets put out in the world (especially if it’s a piece you really want in your portfolio).

Listen in to hear the tactics you need to use.


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