Breezy Babies- Mom, Parenting, Pregnant, Baby, Breastfeeding, Family, Postpartum podkast

151. Alcohol While Breastfeeding 101: The Essential Guide

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Can I drink alcohol while I'm breastfeeding? Find out in today's podcast episode.
Alcohol and breastfeeding Study

Alcohol Study- Jan 2022

Podcast Sponsor: Amara (use discount code BREEZY20 for 20% off at

This episode appeared first on the Breezy Babies website.


  • Intro to the show. 0:00
    • Welcome to the breezy babies podcast.
  • Breaking up the podcast into episodes. 1:56
    • Breaking down a podcast into two parts.
    • Today's podcast is brought to you by Amara.
  • Introduction to alcohol and breastfeeding. 4:01
    • Introduction to the topic of alcohol and breastfeeding.
  • Caffeine and alcohol while breastfeeding. 6:31
    • This podcast is not medical advice.
    • Drinking alcohol is not a necessity, but an option.
  • Alcohol does not increase milk production. 9:01
    • Alcohol does not increase milk production.
    • Daily consumption of alcohol is associated with slow weight gain.
  • Alcohol intake and breastfeeding. 10:57
    • Alcohol and breastfeeding. Le Leche league website.
    • Alcohol effects on babies and mothers.
  • Alcohol levels in breastmilk and breastfeeding. 12:54
    • Alcohol concentrations in breast milk closely resemble maternal blood.
    • Beer may increase serum prolactin levels during nursing.
  • High alcohol levels in breastmilk. 15:28
    • High alcohol levels and milk occur 30-60 minutes after an alcoholic beverage.
    • Nursing after one to two drinks.
  • How much alcohol should I drink? 17:31
    • No alcohol in large amounts.
    • Nursing should take place two hours after the alcohol intake.
  • Does eating healthy nutrient dense food matter while breastfeeding? 19:01
    • Eating healthy, nutrient-dense food while breastfeeding.
    • No need to pump and du

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This podcast is not "medical advice". Please consult with your Healthcare Provider about your specific situation.

Podcast song credit: Stock Media provided by juqboxmusic / Pond5

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