Booker & Stryker Podcast podkast

Booker and Stryker chat with the talented Billie Eilish

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Booker and Stryker welcomed Billie Eilish to their show on alt 987 and Iheart media. Billie shared why she wanted to release her new album "Hit Me Hard and Soft" all at once with no singles before the actual release date. Booker and Stryker and Billie chatted about the beautiful strings on the album and how they came to life. Billie tells the guys about the song "Lunch" and how she really went for it! She also talked about singing her verses on the songs hundreds of times in the studio to make sure it sounded exactly how she wanted! We love the new album and appreciate Billie Eilish and Fineas so much!

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