Between Lewis & Lovecraft podkast

Halloween 2022

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Do przodu o 15 sekund
  1. Aaron Hurst: Field of Trees 

A note from the author: Fun facts...

First, I wrote Tick Tick around five years ago.

A Field of Trees is the first story I've written since Tick Tick, and I am happy to have written this new one for BL&L.

Thank you, for the first time ever I kept a new years resolution.

Please give thanks to my Glittery Space Angel of a wife for being my editor. Also, more fun facts... I lived on a Christmas tree farm for a few years as a teenager. I'll stand by these claims until sense is made of them or I die. I really saw a shadowy figure in the road one night, I really saw a crouched figure among the trees though only once, and I really did hear voices everytime I took a walk. I heard and saw many strange things out there.


Read by Carter Micheal of Fables. You can find him on Fables of Refuge or his TikTok @coachcartermicheal And has written a comic called Deity. 


03 Dave Lowe: Gettysburg Gold

Author Bio: David Lowe Cozad is a graduate of Willamette University and the University of Massachusetts Isenberg School of Management. His novels, short stories, book reviews, and other works can be found at


Read by Mason Mostoller. He’s STREAMING! Check out his new show, you can check him out at @tendingbubblesttv

04 Geoff Barry (A.K.A. ElderBarry): Pecked


Read by Jarrett Sullivan. The Dapper DM himself, you might possibly find our characters in the upcoming season of Fables… his instagram is @jarretsullivan


05  Alfred Smith: Ever At my Shoulders

Your listeners and contributors can check out my horror flashfic at:

and horror themed poetry at


Read by Patrick Perini: The DM and mastermind behind the new D&D podcast Unbalanced Encounters. You can check it out anywhere you listen to podcasts. Their website is


06  Brianna Fenty: This House Hates You

Brianna's novel Henhouse Syndrome is planned to be published by Bloodhound Books in April! You can follow her adventure at @dryshark_writes


Read by Tyler: The Penny Lich.


07 Paul Davis: The Ringmaster’s Family

Paul has both submitted stories before, and read for us in the past. He has several published books that you can find on amazon by looking up Paul R. Davis. He is also a WONDERFUL editor, who is taking on new clients. If you’re looking for an editor, we’d be happy to help you get in touch, you can email us at [email protected] 


Read by Emily Greymoore. A voice actor and player on Unbalanced Encounters. She is massively talented and you should be following her on TikTok: @emilygreymooore


08 Steve Cain: The Faceless One

Recently released a new collection of poetry called the Silent Shore. You can follow him and access his work by going to his instagram, @19stevecain72


Read by Jon Curtis. On TikTok @screamerjon05 


09  Micheal E. Wilson Jr.:  Century Apart 

Michael submitted this story last November! He's a writer and musician and we need to get him on Correspondence ASAP. You can follow his work at


Read by Sam Oliver. Sam is a player on the show Unbalanced Encounters, as well as an artist. You can check out her AMAZING pottery at 


10  Curtis A. Deeter: Everything We Are Grateful For

You can follow Curtis by going to his website

Note from the author: We do indeed have "Belinda the child" etched in our basement floor, and we looked at a house before we bought our current home that had a "Things I'm Grateful For" chart on the back of the basement door. It was weird things, like the roof over my head, meals, and mommy. We didn't buy that house for obvious reasons...just another that is also likely haunted…


Read by Jess Ayers. A player on the show Fables of Refuge, and an amazing Voice actor! You can follow her adventures @jessnxtdoor on instagram. 

11 Heidi Jackson: Frozen Graves. 

Note from the author: I am working on a collection of short horror stories, and working on making Hell Cell a full length novel.  I like writing fiction and horror stories. I am from Canby, Oregon.


Read by Tyler.


12 Alexandra Harper: Red Planet

This story has been published in Black Ink Fiction's anthology, Dark Matter. 

Other stories that have been published in various anthologies can be found on Amazon under Alexandra Harper's author page.


Read by Aly Fitzgerald.



14 Andre:  We Are At The Edge 

Submitted through website, by André Schuck from Brazil.


Read by Emily Greymoore.

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