Empowering Midlife Wellness with Dr. Susan podkast

The 30-Minute Workout That Will Change Your Life

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
By now we are all aware of the countless benefits of resistance training, but it can be hard to know where to start. Today I will show you my real 30 minute workout with master personal trainer Kelley Workman. You can do this at the gym or in your own home with a few simple free weights. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of heavy resistance training twice a week reduces bone loss, falls and resulting injury, and every chronic disease including dementia. These four exercises use the entire body, and Kelley recommends doing these twice a week for a month before adding anything new. Next month we will be back with 4 additional exercises to mix it up a bit. With all of my ironman training I haven't lifted weights in a couple of months so I am starting along with you! You can connect with Kelley at www.kelleymoves.com

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