B2B Reimagined podkast

Ep 81 | Are You “Transforming” Your Business in Name Only?

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

“For me, the strange thing is companies are investing in transformation in all dimensions of their business, but barely in the one that has the biggest profit impact – pricing,” says Sebastian Wrobel, cofounder and managing director of PricingWorks on today’s episode.


Sebastian and host Barrett Thompson explore how smart B2B organizations include pricing transformation in their digital transformation journeys and have a frank discussion on what “transformation” actually means.


“In some companies, what they call ‘transformation’ really isn't a transformation,” says Barrett. “It's more like just a technology upgrade, something more like maintenance, and the bigger promise of transformation isn't really achieved…They ought to be doing better things, not just the same practices embodied in a different tool set.”


Find PricingWorks customer success stories here.




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