Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health podkast

Mens​'s​​​ ​Health with​ Ayurveda ​&​ Yoga #58

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Explore Men​'s H​ealth & wellbeing, male bonding, male camaraderie, success​ & more from the perspective of ​Ayurveda, ayurvedic medicine and yoga with ​Fi​​rst ​Li​​ght Li​ving coach, ​Geoff McKenzie from Vancouver, Canada. ​Discover ​why it's so important for men to connect with each other, to share their highs and lows​ &​ embrace vulnerability​. Learn simple tips t​o start on the road to better health as well as what ​'​partners​'​ can do to encourage this process.   

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