American Toffee Podcast podkast

NEWCASTLE POST-MATCH: Gruel Football Gets a Point

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

It was a strange scoreless tie at Goodison vs. a Newcastle team that probably deserved more. The ATP takes us through all the drama in a match that definitely its fair share.  From controversial officiating to tactical mishaps, James and Ryan break this one down in a lot of detail with the help of the tremendous ATP listener base.  The duo get into the tactics, the use (or misuse) of personnel, and the strange decisions from a referee that doesn’t seem to favor Everton (also discussed).  Thanks a ton for the excellent comments this week and the discord dialogue that really helped make this a more entertaining pod for a match that was seriously lacking in quality and entertainment.



Intro: Steve Barkwill

Production: James Boyman

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