podcast with adam bien podkast

From XML-Driven Enterprise Java to Serverless AWS Lambdas

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
An conversation with Vadym Kazulkin (@VKazulkin) about: journey as a Java developer from the late 1990s to present, early experiences with Java and J2EE development, transition to cloud and serverless technologies, particularly AWS Lambda, discussion of Java performance on lambda compared to node.js, detailed explanation of AWS SnapStart technology for improving Java cold starts, pros and cons of "fat" Lambda functions versus microservices, challenges of using GraalVM with Lambda, importance of optimizing Lambda package size and dependencies, comparison of quarkus and Spring Boot on Lambda, benefits of serverless architecture for business logic focus, involvement with Java User Group Bonn and AWS Community Builder program, brief mention of asynchronous patterns in serverless architectures, importance of staying technically hands-on as a manager in the rapidly evolving cloud world

Vadym Kazulkin on twitter: @VKazulkin

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