ABC KIDS News Time podkast

Speed cubers and snazzy salons

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

For News Time today, I've rounded up five stories from across Australia. We'll hear about proficient puzzlers, daring dingoes and a curly solution for hairdressers … all before a creepy crawly Wow of the Week.

Quiz Questions

  1. 1.In the Nie family, who learnt how to solve a puzzle cube first?
  2. 2.What is Issy trying to raise awareness about?
  3. 3.What's the name given to the dingo safety sticks?
  4. 4.What sort of hair texture are more hairdressers learning about?
  5. 5.Which spiders had smaller brains? Spiders in the city, or the country?

Bonus Tricky Question

Which species of spider were the scientists investigating?


  1. 1.The dad, Peiching
  2. 2.Bullying
  3. 3.Wongari sticks
  4. 4.Afro textured hair
  5. 5.Spiders in the city, under lights

Bonus Tricky Answer

Orb Weaver

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