Young House Love Has A Podcast podcast

#176: The Part Of Moving To A Smaller Home We Didn’t Expect

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We’re in Florida (!!!) and we’ve got LOTS to tell you about all that went down on our moving day and throughout our first couple of weeks in our new home. We’re covering a lot of ground, like how we made the 13-hour drive feel faster, which of our moving predictions from our last episode came true, and what we really thought about using those travel pee bags. Plus, getting unpacked and settled into a smaller home has presented some challenges that we didn’t anticipate, so we’re sharing what those were, and why they’re giving us a whole new appreciation for this part of the downsizing process. We’re also recapping what items we overpacked (even after leaving around 50% of our belongings behind when we moved!) and why those “extra” things aren’t working in our new house. 

Be sure to check out for notes, links, and photos from this episode.

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