Yoga Strong podcast

243 - Put Yourself in Rooms That Let You Get Big

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The stories we tell about ourselves can make us feel smaller or less valuable, or they can make us feel big. 

Today I share about how I'm reclaiming myself. Re-storying myself. 

Last week, I changed a story I've had about myself for a long time; the opportunity was unexpected but the choice was intentional: to move from a story that made me feel small to one that makes me feel big. 

This is about finding rooms where we can be our authentic selves. It's about finding the rooms where we get to be big, and invite others' big, and through that, change the world. 

Weekly stories by email from Bonnie’s HERE

Connect with Bonnie: Instagram, Email ([email protected]), Website
Listen to Bonnie's other podcast Sexy Sunday HERE

The music for this episode is Threads by The Light Meeting.
Produced by: Grey Tanner

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