Yemen News podcast

Alex Williams on the Yemen Crisis

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Alex Williams, host of Yemen News, takes a turn answering the questions as he breaks down the impact of war, cholera, and COVID-19 on Yemeni families. He tells us how the war in Yemen started over five years ago, and describes the resilience of the Yemeni people through the conflict. Alex also points out that the ongoing bombing campaign is senseless since the Hadi government that it seeks to restore to power lacks real legitimacy. He calls for global pressure on all governments arming the warring parties in Yemen to stop fueling the bloodshed, emphasizing that this war is inhumane and must stop.

@a2theshow @scoobz.mp4 @therealalialshammari

 @YnewsAW         [email protected]

COVID- 19 Update: 1606 Cases, 712 Recovered, 445 Deaths (Not including Houthi controlled areas)

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