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Grief and resentment coil around one another in this dark fantasy from AJ Nelson. “Chop Chop” luxuriates in language, transforming seemingly routine moments into a feast for the imagination. All of these familiar details add up to an ending that is anything but ordinary. Check out this essay at: https://vocal.media/fiction/chop-chop Essay Written By: AJ Nelson Essay Voiced By: Tessa Flannery Follow Vocal on Insta Follow Vocal on Facebook Tweet at Vocal on Twitter Don’t forget to follow Write Here, Write Now for free wherever you get your podcasts or by clicking this link. If you liked what you heard, tell a friend! Just put this link into any of your socials: https://podcasts.vocal.media/ Want to read this and other amazing essays and stories on Vocal? Or maybe you want to write your own story? Get started today by going to https://vocal.media/ and creating a free account. Or, become a Vocal+ member and get access to incredible challenges, promotions and other perks.

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