Shift Your Perspective podcast

Who Do I Say I Am?

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Do you want to know why you haven’t obtained freedom yet? It’s solely because you haven’t confidently walked away from conformity; you haven’t ceased allowing others to define who you are.

It’s your choice to say, “This is who I am and what I wish to experience in life,” not ‘The World’s;’ You say who you are, and then ‘The World’ must comply. But this compliance isn’t achieved by force but by ceasing to be ‘conformed to The World’ and ‘being renewed in your mind,’ by identifying with and conforming to something higher – The truth of who you actually are and the Divine Law, AKA: YOUR choice between ‘blessings or curses’ and the reason you have a right to choose.

Every morning is a new day, a fresh start, unshaped potential. If today makes tomorrow, will you continue to comply to the ‘standard’ mindset of Fear, of being stuck in the ghosts of the past, or the  ‘I must deserve and earn’ the new future? Remember, what YOU focus on expands.

Freedom is in the present moment, of seizing and owning the power The Most High has given you right now to leave everything that was behind us and confidently walk into the future, yes, with your mind focused on what you want, but living in the here and now and being selective with what you believe to be true because you know that what you think WILL come true, that whether we believe it is possible or impossible for you, is granted you.

Taking back control over your mind (your life) is a daunting task, only because you’re accustomed to complying with the predominant worldly mindset of Fear; when you walk away from your old stories and see that nobody else is, you panic, like Lot’s Wife, and turn back and blend into the crowd, instead of accepting the gift of self-sovereignty, of realizing that only you can create your new story out of the ‘unshaped wilderness,’ and having faith that if you do, it will come to pass in due time.

So, how do you set yourself free and remain free once and for all? Listen in as I freely share the wisdom I have gained.

Like the music? The “Who Am I?” soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus is available on Apple Music:


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