TURNING IN podcast

Episode 34: Honoring Your Body & Parts/Guided Exercise

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Hi y'all! We are building on our last episode (https://www.buzzsprout.com/2069573/14438209) where we started the conversation about embodiment. Today we dive a little deeper, mentioning some specific practices that have taken off in recent years and how and why they can be helpful or unhelpful from an I.F.S. lens. Amy then places another tool in our toolbox with a guided body scan exercise. Enjoy!

We love you!

Amy's Website: www.amyleecrawford.com
Podcast Site: https://turninginpod.buzzsprout.com
IG: @turninginpod
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0zQK82sG5zHoQAEAUc7QS4?si=e42400c2f3c84e58

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