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This is To Affinity & Beyond; HyperFinity’s podcast about decision intelligence, data science and AI for retail.

In the final episode of season two, we’re looking back at the topics we’ve covered over the last couple of months. Host Peter Denby walks through sound bites from each episode – from demand forecasting and decision intelligence to location planning and 2023’s retail trends.

Resource one: The state of retail in 2023, part one – https://hyperfinity.ai/resources/the-state-of-retail-in-2023-part-one

Resource two: The state of retail in 2023, part two – https://hyperfinity.ai/resources/the-state-of-retail-in-2023-part-two

Resource three: Why is demand forecasting a huge opportunity for retailers? – https://hyperfinity.ai/resources/why-is-demand-forecasting-a-huge-opportunity-for-retailers

Resource four: What is decision intelligence for retail? – https://hyperfinity.ai/resources/what-is-decision-intelligence-for-retail

Resource five: Why should I buy from you? – https://hyperfinity.ai/resources/why-should-i-buy-from-you

Resource six: From data to devotion: How to create loyal customers using analytics – https://hyperfinity.ai/resources/how-to-create-loyal-customers-using-analytics

Resource seven: What’s the future of decision intelligence? – https://hyperfinity.ai/resources/what-is-the-future-of-decision-intelligence

Resource eight: Why should data inform a retailer’s location? – https://hyperfinity.ai/resources/why-should-data-inform-a-retailers-location

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D'autres épisodes de "To Affinity and Beyond - Decision Intelligence for Retail"