The Top Chef After Show Podcast podcast

Top Chef S17 E9 Recap & After Show: The Moms Come to Eat!

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Episode 9 of Top Chef All Stars has a very special guest star this week - ME! And 199 of my closest friends - who are amazing women first and foremost, and also moms. We gathered in the mountains outside LA for a little R + TC - yes, recreation and Top Chef. And the Cheftestants did NOT disappoint….well except for that dry biscuit. And the weird boring salad. And the rubbery shrimp. But hey, when all you have to cook with are the ingredients of the camp’s pantry, you make due - or you make heavenly carrot salad. But more about that later. So gather round the campfire, kids, and hear Malarky tell a tale about chefs who steal each other’s service stations as Padma ominously warns them to not “Break a thumb” while they go throw axes. IN THE WOODS, ITS EACH CHEF FOR THEMSELVES. AND 200 Brunch Mimosas for ME AND MY BUDS! THIS IS TOP CHEF - THE AFTERSHOW. Follow us on "Like" Us on For more After Shows for your favorite TV shows and the latest news in TV, Film, and exclusive celebrity interviews, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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