The Starseed Mission Podcast podcast

13. Gaia Consciousness

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Omg I'm so excited for this one, it's probably my favorite subject of all the themes in this series! The amazingness of our beloved Gaia and the United Web of Living Consciousness that we are a part of. Having been severed from this consciousness by the artificial matrix, most humans live without any awareness of the levels of magic and majesty this planet truly holds.

Today we'll talk about the original frequencies of Gaia, what humanity's role as sacred guardians and caretakers look like, and how to restore our multidimensional biology to once again oscillate in multidimensional communion with our Mother Planet!

Gridwork Healing & Clearing at the end of the episode:
(Timestamp: 35:40)
We complete this transmissions with another healing and activation ceremony, and today's code has to do with a mysterious part of our lightbody around our heart chakra that was one of our original channels of communication between us and our world.  Think Avatar, the movie.  I'm excited to explore and re-awaken this primordial part of our lightbody, and attempt to co-create with all of you a Planetary Activation as well for All of Humanity!

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