The Remarkable Project podcast

REPLAY: The Power of Using Experience as an Impenetrable Asset

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Are you feeling a little nervous? Nervous about the economy. Nervous about your business? Or just a sense of unease when it comes to what the next 12 months might look like in this new world of business. 

Well today we wanted to do something a little different. Here at Remarkably, we have the privilege of having what many would call quite intimate conversations with business owners about how they are feeling in not only a post-covid business environment but also in the financial climate that many think we have yet to feel properly. 

The other unique position we are in is that we get to speak to experts regularly about what business owners should be doing right now to ensure they protect themselves for what is to come – whatever that may be. Overwhelmingly, the feedback is just two things. 

Make sure you solidify the relationships you have around you.


Lean into experience as an asset. 

So today, we are going to replay an episode from Season One with, who many describe, as the Godfather of Experience Marketing – Mr Joseph Pine.

Mr. Pine is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, and management advisor who has dedicated his career to exploring the changing landscape of business and the role of experience in creating value for customers. He has authored several best-selling books, including "The Experience Economy" and "Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want".

In this episode, we will delve into Mr. Pine's insights on the Experience Economy, a concept he co-created with his partner James Gilmore. The Experience Economy describes the shift from a service-based economy to an economy where experiences are the key driver of growth and differentiation.

We will explore how businesses can create memorable and authentic experiences for their customers and why this is crucial in today's hyper-competitive marketplace. Mr. Pine will share his thoughts on the impact of technology on the Experience Economy, and how companies can leverage it to enhance the customer experience.

Join us as we uncover the insights and wisdom of Mr. B. Joseph Pine II on the Experience Economy and the power of customer experience in creating value for businesses and customers alike.

Get connected with Joseph Pine at
Twitter:  @joepine
LinkedIn: /joepine

Recommended Books:

  • The Experience Economy by Joseph Pines II

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