The Remarkable Project podcast

068: The Power in Partnering with Your Frontline Team with Chris Wallace

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In this episode of The Remarkable Project Jay speaks with Chris Wallace, President of Innerview Group, about the importance of creating collaborative conversation with your frontline team about business improvement, how to recognise and deal with the disconnect that sometimes happens between those teams and management and how to get your staff to believe in (and care about) your brand. 

As a marketing and customer experience strategist, Chris’ expertise centre’s on how organizations can improve alignment, between their go-to-market strategies and their frontline channels (sales, customer service, support, etc.). As President of InnerView, Chris and team have developed the breakthrough InFront platform, which applies market research processes to collect and analyse employee and partner, perceptions of customer needs and company value proposition. 

Apart from his client work, Chris is also an adjunct marketing professor at Villanova University (MBA) and is regularly published in outlets including, Harvard Business Review, Forbes and Ad Age. 

Three Remarkable Quotes

"Your frontline staff are a channel. Treat them as a channel that needs to be convinced not one that can be taken for granted that they will deliver your message in the right way. "

"How many times do organisations stop to ask its people “What do you love about what we do?”

"It is one of the most basic, fundamental aspects of human relationships; Listening for needs and responding in a way that says “ I heard you and I’m here to support you. "

Connect with Chris

Find him on Linkedin

Learn more about InnerView Group via their website 


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