The Remarkable Project podcast

064: The Power of Account Based Marketing with Shahin Hoda

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In this episode of The Remarkable Project Jay speaks with Account-Based Marketing (ABM) expert Shahin Hoda, about why client lifetime value is a crucial consideration when shaping an ABM strategy, how ABM addresses three main areas in driving growth, and the importance of being able to clearly identify target markets when assessing ABM options.

Shahin Hoda is the Founder of xGrowth, a B2B growth agency helping organisations close more mid-market and large enterprise deals. He’s making that happen by popularising Account-Based Marketing (ABM) in Australia, working alongside B2B leaders to implement ABM strategies and build predictable revenue engines.

When he’s not busy building ABM campaigns, he’s either playing a game of Tennis in Richmond (which he usually loses) or looking up smoothie recipes (because let’s be honest, who doesn’t like a nice smoothie).

Remarkable Quotes

"If your budget is tight and your client's budgets are tight, you want to be laser focused on the ones that are very suitable for what you're trying to offer."

"Lifetime value, however you measure it, needs to be large enough to justify the investments you want to put in."

"You have to tell them that “I want you to do business with me”.

Connect with Shahin

Find him on Linkedin

Learn more about the work Shahin does with xGrowth via their website 

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