The Corporate Cleanse podcast

Romanticizing your corporate life (and a lil announcement)

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First, a little announcement: your girl is headed back to corporate life 

As I prepare to go back, I want to be really intentional about holding this peace and space that I've created during my sabbatical.  Most of my corporate days can follow a pretty repeatable structure so they can become a little monotone - I can easily slip into auto-pilot. Anything I can do to interrupt auto-pilot, anything I can do to bring me present - has directly increased my life satisfaction, directly increased the things I’m grateful for, directly increased my overall life fulfillment, directly increased my ability to not LOSE it at work.

Romanticizing your life does not mean you have to NOT struggle with mental health, romanticizing your life does not mean that your life is easy, romanticizing your life does not mean being delusional about the shit that all of our lives are filled with.

Romanticizing your life means that you are taking more time to soak in the good stuff than the bad stuff.

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