The Conversation podcast


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The pulps are evolving in what seems like two distinct directions, and we have some thoughts on that. Ben, NiNi and friend of the pod Twig talk We Are and Knock Knock, Boys!

Episode transcript available here.

00:00 Welcome
01:15 Introduction
05:56 We Are: Branded Pair Background
14:37 We Are: A Rorschach Test of a Show
30:47 We Are: Final Thoughts and Ratings
38:21 Knock Knock, Boys!
48:39 Knock Knock, Boys!: Sex Positivity
55:51 Knock Knock, Boys!: Our Fab Four (and Jane)
01:09:58 Knock Knock, Boys!: Final Thoughts and Ratings
01:14:54 Importance of Pulps as Labs

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