Talking Kotlin podcast

Becoming a KMP Expert

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Sebastian and Pamela discuss what it means to be an expert in Kotlin Multiplatform, with the help of a panel of experts! Learn about why it's interesting to dive deep into a certain technology, recommendations on how to learn advanced topics, and general advice on how to get the most out of using KMP.


KMP libraries:

Interesting code to explore:

Ecosystem wishlist:

Learning resources:

More KMP experts:



(0:00) Introductions

(1:40) Why be a KMP expert?

(9:14) First steps to being an expert

(16:38) Respecting each platform

(24:04) Libraries for KMP

(27:45) Advanced learning resources

(38:18) Ecosystem wishlist

(43:03) Exercising your KMP skills

(48:15) Shoutouts to other experts

(51:34) Wrap-up

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